That’s not my Neighbor Unblocked 67

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Take part in the long confrontation between humans and ferocious doppelgangers in That’s not my Neighbor! Recently the situation with these ferocious creatures became nearly insufferable and everybody is checked even when they come back home from work.

Accomplish this super important mission and uncover the ghosts until they perform another cruel assault.

Gameplay That’s not my Neighbor

Unblocked Games 67 suggests you a captivating working simulator with surprising horror elements, which always catch you off guard. Your opponents in this game are both witty and extremely threatening, so once they understand you guessed about their inhuman nature, their evil monstrous side becomes visible.

To be able to explore the corrupt entity, sometimes you just need to look at it closely. Doppelgangers are known for their impressive talent for mimicking humans, but not all of them are as good at it as you may think. Point out their appearance looks a bit strange and a monster will most likely give up and take its true form.

However, with the ones who mastered the art of disguise, the process of examination will be more complicated. One discrepancy in the documents is enough to figure out if the person in front of you is a monster. Ask questions and don’t forget about the official materials, gathered in the folders to make sure your suggestion is right.

Besides, That’s not my Neighbor offers you such a useful instrument as an old-fashioned phone. With the help of this machine, you will be able to call anywhere, from neighbours’ apartments to the D. D. D., depending on your needs. This game can really make you feel like an office worker!

The danger is always near!

Even though most of the enemies in the game will stop in the window for the obligatory check-up, some of them may want to just sneak past it and your reaction will determine whether they succeed or not. Quickly close the doors and prevent the desperate creature from getting to the rich food source unpunished.

But what is going to cause you the most anxiety in this horrific game is the fact that you won’t know if you managed to defend the residents from the doppelgangers until the end of the working day. Wait for all the visitors to pass the control and wait for a missed counterpart to show itself. Or just check out the nightmare mode to be eaten by the lucky murderous creature straight away!

Unblocked Games 67 also presents a system of achievements you can complete during your perilous shifts. Some of them are relatively easily accessible and you are likely to get them right after the first try, but there are specific ones too, which require exceptional skills and knowledge. Complete the impossible quiz from the suspicious citizen and get both the rare achievement and the golden badge.